Article-No. EAN: 4062292279874
Dimensions :
3-Seater :
approx . 210cm x 95cm x 85cm
Armchair :
approx . 100cm x 95cm x 85cm
Seat height approx .44cm
Seat depth approx .64cm
Colour : Free choice of colour
(Other colours on request )
(Other colours possible Black , Dark brown , White , Antique green , Antique dark brown , Bordeaux red )
Material: Genuine leather
Optional in the Shop :
Bed function with Mattress +490,00 AED (Possibility to enquire before purchase)
Group 1: Premium Imitation leather /Fabric (without Surcharge)
Group 2: Premium Genuine leather *** (with Surcharge)
Group 3: Premium Velvet fabric (with Surcharge)
Group 4: Magic Home (Stain-repellent fabric) (with Surcharge)
***Cowhide from Italy
Grain leather up to approx. 2.50mm thickness
Italian cowhide :
Inner frame made of real wood :