Article-No. EAN: 4062292146275
Dimensions :
3 Seater :
232 x 97 x 92 cm
2 Seater :
181 x 97 x 92 cm
1 Seater :
141 x 97 x 92 cm
Height : approx : 92 cm
Seat height approx . 42 cm
Depth approx . 97 cm
Seat depth approx . 64 cm
USB automatic click (3x slot ) INCLUDED
Colour : Free choice of colour
(Other colours on request )
Premium Leather fibre fabric (70% Leather / 30% Polyester)**
Optional in the Shop :
Group 1: Premium Leather fibre fabric (70% Leather / 30% Polyester)** - (without Surcharge)
Group 2: Premium Genuine leather *** ( + 399,00 AED Surcharge)
Group 3: Premium Textile fabric ( + 149,00 AED Surcharge)
Group 4: Premium Full leather (Surcharge auf Request )
Optional in the Shop - SOFA TUNNING:
Electric relax footrest : + 399 AED (depending on model - Enquiries )
(Verstellbare Rückenlehne + footrest )
Fridge cup holder (Cooling system ): + 199,00 EURModellabhängig - Enquiries )
Sound system
(2x sound speakers + USB + Bluetooth System): + 399,00 EURModellabhängig - Enquiries )
Underbody lighting with remote control - colour change : + 99,00 AED
**Leather fibre fabric (70% Leather / 30% Polyester)
(Seats , Backrests ,
Inside of the armrests )
all other covers made of premium imitation leather in the same colour
***Cowhide from Italy
Grain leather up to approx. 2.50mm thickness
(Seats , Backrests ,
Inside of the armrests )
All other Leather upholstery from same colour as Premium Imitation leather
Italian cowhide
Inner frame made of real wood