Artikel Nr. EAN:4062292555404
Dimensions :
approx . 178 x 442 x 280 cm
approx . 280 x 442 x 178 cm
Length : approx . 442 cm
Width : approx . 178/280 cm
Height : approx . 80 cm
Seat height : approx . 40 cm
Depth : approx . 90 cm
Seat depth : approx . 60 cm
Colour : Free choice of colour
The possible colours can be found under the tab "Colours "
Optional in the Shop :
Group 1: Premium Leather fibre fabric (70% Leather / 30% Polyester)** - (without Surcharge)
Group 2: Premium Genuine leather *** ( + 399,00 AED Surcharge)
Group 3: Premium Textile fabric
**Leather fibre fabric (70% Leather / 30% Polyester)
(Seats , Backrests ,
Inside of the armrests )
all other covers made of premium imitation leather in the same colour
***Cowhide from Italy
Grain leather up to approx. 2.50mm thickness
(Seats , Backrests ,
Inside of the armrests )
All other Leather upholstery from same colour as Premium Imitation leather
Italian cowhide :
Inner frame made of real wood :